Wouldn’t it be nice if you could spend your time running your business instead of worrying about unplanned IT outages? Well, get ready to tackle your to-do list, because here are three preventative steps you can take so you don’t have to spend your workday messing around with IT issues.

1. Be Prepared with a Business Continuity Plan
According to a recent ITIC study, 98% of organizations say a single hour of downtime costs more than $100,000. So, whether it’s something as small as a deleted file or as big as a disaster that wipes out your data, you need to be back up and running as quickly as possible. A business continuity plan decreases your chances of experiencing downtime and ensures that if the worst-case-scenario does happen, your business can continue to operate.

2. Make the Move to the Cloud
Your data is your most vital asset, so protecting it is critical to your future. The cloud provides secure and convenient solutions to your data storage and archiving needs. When you upload your important documents and files in the cloud, you have quick and easy access to them even when an unexpected outage occurs.

3. Plan Regular Device Checkups
Your employees come to work in the morning ready to tackle the workday, not failing devices. You can dramatically reduce loss of productivity by regularly installing software updates and patches.

You don’t have to sacrifice tending to core business functions to prepare for downtime. When you partner with us, you get a team of IT experts who work tirelessly to identify red flags before they cause problems, so you experience fewer IT challenges and more uptime. Contact us today and experience the difference of having a reliable IT partner in your corner.