A lot can change in a single year, and the same goes for technology. Every day, someone is coming up with a way to make life easier and work more productive. Technology evolves fast, and unfortunately, if you don’t evolve, too, you’ll be left behind. But, before you rewind that summer hit of ’17, we want to help you take a confident step into the future (2018) with three simple technology resolutions:

Give Your Data Some Extra Space

According to the Interop ITX and InformationWeek 2018 State of the Infrastructure study, companies are continuing to invest in data centers, storage space, and networking. Storage is a huge focus for companies as they try to keep pace with skyrocketing data growth. In fact, the rapid growth of data and data storage is the single greatest factor driving change in IT infrastructure.

Shift Your Focus from Protection to Detection

One thing 2017 taught us is that you won’t be able to stop every threat. Cyber criminals get smarter every day – if they want to get into your system they will. It’s no longer a question of if they’ll get into your system, but when. Instead of simply protecting your networks, focus on detection and how you’ll respond if an intrusion or virus is found. Solidifying a plan for quick remediation will ensure nothing gets in the way of your team’s productivity.

Experience More Face Time in the New Year

Every year, more and more employees are moving towards a mobile work lifestyle. This has created a growing need to strengthen the lines of communications with technology. The collaboration technology industry underwent rapid growth this past year with many organizations jumping on the unified communication bandwagon. West’s Unified Communications Services report on the state of video conferencing, found that 54 percent of employees regularly participate in video conferences to stay connected to their team and clients.

There’s no doubt that technology will be a major player in the state of your organization in 2018. But is your tech ready to carry you towards a successful New Year? We’d like to help by taking the time to evaluate your infrastructure, security and communication processes and make recommendations to ensure you’re ready for 2018 and beyond. Let’s ring in the New Year together – contact us.